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東方風神録Wind God Chronicles ~ Mountain of Faith

Mountain of Faith is the 10th game in the Touhou series released in 2007.

The story revolves around a shrine at the top of Youkai Mountain, which the heroines go and investigate.


Shrine Maiden of Paradise
Reimu Hakurei

The all-too-familiar shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine.

She treats everyone basically the same way. However, since her job is hunting youkai, she takes a fairly strict stance against youkai, but she's actually equally uninterested in humans and youkai.

This time, there's a conspiracy surrounding her gods. She may be their spokesperson, but her circumstances as a youkai hunter are different, so she feels a bit lost.

Ordinary Magician
Marisa Kirisame

An ordinary magician living in Gensokyo. She also has a mania for collecting things.

She seems a bit weird, but in reality she's the most straightforward. She always wears black clothing because she thinks that's what magic-users should do and because it hides dirt very well. Very straightforward.

This time she's just following Reimu's lead, but since this doesn't look like a typical incident, she's thinking about what she should do when she gets to the mountain.

Symbol of Loneliness and Demise
Shizuha Aki
Stage 1 Midboss

The older sister of Minoriko.

Normally they control autumn together as sisters. They're not terribly good at fighting, but they thought they'd come to warn and punish the humans who came to disrupt the autumn.

Symbol of Abundance and Harvest
Minoriko Aki
Stage 1 Boss

Shizuha's younger sister.

Normally, they rule over autumn as sisters. She's called to the village as a special guest at the harvest festival every year. If she is not called for before the harvest, she is not able to guarantee an abundant harvest, but that's not her problem, and she would not point it out.

The Hidden God Nagashi-bina
Hina Kagiyama
Stage 2 Boss

Head of the tragic Nagashi-bina doll army.

She gathers and hoards bad luck expelled during cleansing rituals. The baleful aura that surrounds her is visible even to the untrained eye. Any human or youkai around her will run into misfortune. However, she herself never has this problem. It only affects those around her.

Hina does her best to make sure that misfortune does not befall humans once again.

Super Youkai Warhead
Nitori Kawashiro
Stage 3 Boss

A kappa that lives on Youkai Mountain.

For a long time, kappa haven't let themselves be seen by humans, but since they usually hide to watch humans, they like to think that they are on good terms with humans.

Since she's an engineering nut, whenever she sees something man-made, she takes it apart and puts it back together. Because of this, her clothes are stuffed with tools.

Tengu Closest to the Village
Aya Shameimaru
Stage 4 Boss

A news reporter on the Youkai Mountain.

A tengu who typically writes local news stories about the girls of Gensokyo.

This time around, she got word from the white wolf tengu that an intruder had entered the mountain. Normally, the white wolf tengu are charged by the great tengu with patrolling the mountain, and conducting negotiations and defensive operations.

Deified Human of the Wind
Sanae Kochiya
Stage 5 Boss

A human who possesses the knowledge of a secretly inherited art.

She has a very straightforward personality, so she has a lot of confidence in her own abilities.

Wind Priestesses were originally a devotees of the wind god, but as they used their secret abilities to create miracles such as summoning the wind and rain, the people around them began to believe in these humans with mysterious abilities.

The Avatar of Mountains and Lakes
Kanako Yasaka
Stage 6 Boss

The goddess who, together with her shrine, recently moved to the Youkai Mountain.

Because of her name 'Yasaka' (countless hills), she has been called a god of the mountains, but in reality, she is a god of the wind and rain. As such, she has been worshiped as a goddess of agriculture.

The particulars of how she came to be worshiped as a god of the mountains are highly complicated. Only Kanako and Suwako know the truth of the matter. Kanako's trademark shimenawa rope represents a coiling snake. The snake's continual cycle of molting represents resurrection, rebirth and eternity.

The Highest of Native Gods
Suwako Moriya
Extra Boss

The true god of the Shrine of Moriya.

She is the God of Mountains, and was once the leader of the many gods that lived in the Mountains. During ancient times, she was a god in control of "Mishaguji". Mishaguji were curse gods who had obtained enormous amounts of faith, cursing birth, harvest, military, and many other things. Making light of these fearsome gods would lead to divine punishment.

The only one able to tame these gods was Suwako. Because of this, she gained an extraordinary amount of faith, and cultivated a kingdom as its ruler while still being a god.
